Choose the best colored bouquet for your big day


As a bride, your biggest accessory for your walk down the aisle is your bouquet. After putting your wedding ensemble together, grabbing your bridal bouquet, and joining arms with your father, or whomever is escorting you down the aisle, it’s time to make your grand entrance. Your walk down the aisle is not the only debut your bouquet will make. You will have the opportunity for a bouquet toss for all the single ladies at your wedding.

With your bridal bouquet being such an important part of your big day, it’s important to choose the best one. But, how do you know which bridal bouquet is best for your big day?

Here at Mountain House on Sunday River, we know just how important your big day is to you. That’s why we have put together a few tips to help you choose the best colored bouquet for your wedding. If you are still planning your bridal bouquet, be sure to keep reading to learn more:

  • Multicolored. Color can be such a beautiful aspect of your wedding day. Vibrant hues decorating your venue, clothing, tables, and even your wedding aisle can create a beautiful display of color. Your bridal bouquet can also look amazing with lively hues. Imagine yourself making your way down the aisle with a bouquet colored in magnificent pink and purple, with a splash of orange, isn’t it a lovely sight? A multicolored bouquet can be the perfect option for your big day.
  • Red. You can make quite the statement as you walk down the aisle with a bold, red bouquet. The color of passion and romance, red is a fitting choice for your wedding blooms. Not only does red work for all seasons of the year, but you can make an impression by incorporating it throughout your wedding, such as within your centerpieces and even your ceremony arch, for a cohesive appeal.
  • Pink. Sometimes it’s important to embrace your inner girly girl. Walking down the aisle with a gorgeous pink bouquet, creates a happy, emotional ambiance, perfect for such a heartwarming ceremony. The pink hues allow you to take a subtler approach to a colored bouquet, while still sporting wonderfully colored blooms.


Color is a lovely option for your big day. You can break the trend of an all-white bridal bouquet and start off your married life with a lively splash of color! Here at Mountain House on Sunday River, we would be honored to host your big day! If you are still seeking a gorgeous Maine wedding venue, be sure to contact us to schedule your personal tour.


Photo Credit: Lexi Lowell Photography