Festive Alternatives to the Bridal Bouquet Toss

bridal bouquet

The bridal bouquet toss is such a festive wedding event! All of the single ladies will gather in hopes of catching the gorgeous bouquet, meaning that they will be the next in line to wed.

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However, if you would rather not take part in this wedding tradition, know that you have alternatives that you could showcase!

We believe that every couple should create their big day to be one of a kind! That’s why, here at Mountain House on Sunday River, as a Portland wedding venue, we have comprised some festive alternatives to the bridal bouquet toss that you could showcase on your own big day. Would you like to discover what these alternatives are? If so, be sure to read on:

  • Breakaway Bouquet

    Instead of providing just one lady with a bridal bouquet, let six have the opportunity to catch one! You will create a “breakaway bouquet”, which is one large floral arrangement comprised of six bouquets. You will then toss the bundle of bouquets all at once during your wedding reception, allowing all of the single ladies to have a great deal of fun trying to catch one!

  • Lock & Key

    Instead of tossing your bridal bouquet, lock it up! You can choose a lovely box to place your bouquet with in, which you will then secure with a padlock. Then, during your reception, present all of the single ladies with a key. Whosever’s key unlocks the box will then be gifted with the bundle of flowers.

  • Ribbon Cutting

    The ribbon cutting is a fun twist on the traditional bridal bouquet toss! You will tie a bunch of ribbons to your bouquet, and have each of the single ladies hold onto one. Then, you will cut a ribbon, one by one, until only one remains. Whoever is holding onto the last ribbon will receive the bridal bouquet!

Your wedding doesn’t have to showcase standard traditions! These are just a few festive alternatives to the bridal bouquet toss that you could highlight on your own big day.

View Samantha & Becky’s Romantic Wedding at Mountain House on Sunday River

Are you ready to book a wedding venue in Newry, Maine to host your own festivities within? If so, please get in touch with us here at Mountain House on Sunday River, as we would be elated with the opportunity to be a part of your special celebration.


Photo Credit: Lexi & Matt Photography